
Do you experience:
- Feeling sad, empty
- Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities
- Change in your sleeping or eating habits
- Feeling overwhelmed as though things will not get better
- Loss of concentration, everything takes longer than usual
- Anxiety and inability to cope as usual
- Feeling irritated, anxious, worried
- A recent loss or break up
- A general inability to cope in at least two areas of your life for several weeks
Depression is a common ailment which few people feel comfortable talking about. Depressed people often feel guilty about being sick as if it were their fault or a weakness on their part.
Yet, according to the World Health Organization, depression is estimated to affect over 350 million people and is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
We do know that depression takes many forms and can be due to:
- A genetic predisposition where it runs in the family
- A trauma in childhood or adulthood
- Exposure to a continuous source of stress
In my practice, I will work with you to get a complete history, identify what the current stressors are and whether you are suffering from a light depression or severe one by performing a complete evaluation. I offer psycho-education, will discuss the options with you and develop a treatment plan which will include working to improve your thought patterns, support you through a crisis or loss, help you develop support systems, and if needed, consider medication as an alternative. I am clear about when medication is a possible alternative and will educate you about the pro’s and con’s although it will always be your decision to make. When necessary, I will refer you to a specialist who can further inform you and prescribe the proper medication for you.
My 30 years of experience working with clients has taught me that suffering from depression is a serious quality of life issue and people deserve to be educated and supported about the effects on relationships and work. Some people have been depressed for so long that they have forgotten what it is to live a fully expressed life. Their lives are one of insomnia, anxiety, lethargy, reduced ability to care for themselves or others, loss of interest or pleasure, and feelings of isolation and worthlessness. Life can surely be better than that.